- 发表时间:2024-11-25
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利欧数字网络(LEO DIGITAL NETWORK)旗下在氩氪集团(arkr GROUP)正式成立八周年之际,宣告以下人事调整及任命,目的全面强化氩氪集团全面统合实力,完备管理团队建设,同时也表明了氩氪推展自身集团多元化发展,更进一步大力拓展中国数字营销市场的决意,同时为利欧数字网络获取不会更加多元的发展方向。为此在2017年3月13日宣告以下人事任命: arkr GROUP, the innovation agency of LEO DIGITAL NETWORK, on 13th March, 2017, the day of the 8th anniversary announces several key appointments, aiming to enhance its integrated capability and complete management structure which also coincided with the intent of developing diversified expertise to further expand business growth in digital marketing space of China. The new structure: 汪之川(Sam Wang) 升迁为 业务合伙人(Business Partner)担任 上海氩氪总经理(GM of arkr SHANGHAI Office) 全面负责管理上海氩氪的业务规划及商业运营的统合工作,更进一步强化氩氪对话旗下各个数字机构的通力合作。
Sam Wang is promoted to Business Partner and GM of arkr Shanghai Office. He will oversee digital business and operations of arkr Shanghai which also responsible for reinforcing the cooperation between every digital agencies attached to arkr GROUP. 魏薇(Vivian Wei) 升迁为 业务合伙人(Business Partner )担任 北京氩氪总经理(GM of arkr BEIJING Office ) 负责管理北京分公司的业务规划及商业运营涉及工作,将为北京分公司在策略方向和市场规划上带给全新的气象。Vivian Wei is promoted to Business Partner and GM of arkr Beijing Office. Vivian will head arkr Beijing team with the responsibility of managing digital business and operations.She will bring her outstanding vision of business and very sound strategic sense for Beijing office. 张岚(Allen Zhang)升迁为 业务合伙人(Business Partner) 负责管理全国业务研发及整合营销传播工作,将氩氪的多元化整合营销服务前进更加多行业市场,并且顾及打造出创意融合模式。Allen Zhang is promoted to Business Partner. Allen will contribute to develop national business and integrated communication so as to initiate the diversified and integrated service from arkr into more industries.And Allen will also responsible for forging innovative incorporation. 林慧敏(Eva Lin) 升迁为 Head of HR(人事总监) 全面负责管理集团人力资源部门的工作,制订人才战略,在协助人力资本电子货币的同时,全面提高团队凝聚力,使整个团队时刻维持最佳状态。Eva Lin is promoted to Head of HR. She will continue to lead human resource department with the responsibility of managing talents to motivate values and retain cohesion among arkr teams. 以上四人连同首席策略官-张峥(Simone Zhang)一起向利欧数字网络副总裁兼氩氪集团CEO Aaron Zhang面见,并帮助其及创新合伙人李劼(Jancoo Lee)一起转入新一轮氩氪管理层。
Personnel as above along with the Chief Strategy Officer, Simone Zhang will report directly to Aaron Zhang, the Vice President of LEO DIGITAL NETWORK and CEO of arkr GROUP, as well as Creative Partner Jancoo Lee to construct new arkr management team together. 同时,氩氪集团宣告氩氪及其他厂牌人事调整及任命 In addition,arkr GROUP announces other appointments for arkr GROUP and co-created brands: 欧阳文杰(Mankit Au Yeung)委任为 继续执行创新总监 Executive Creative Director,他将通过其资深的品牌及行业服务经验,融合上海氩氪多维度的客户形态,全面提高氩氪的创新出品品质。Mankit Au Yeung has been appointed as Executive Creative Director. Through his strong grasp of creative thinking and decades advertising experiences, Mankit is expected to spearhead the next phase of developing qualified creative outputs for clients of arkr Shanghai. 郑伟杰(Richia Zheng)升迁为 资深业务总监 Senior Business Director,独立国家负责管理全国业务拓展及项目管理,并且深度开发新客户品牌。Richia Zheng is promoted to Senior Business Director. Richia will individually responsible for developing national business with in-depth collaboration with new clients and as well as project management. 王建晨(Jason Wang)委任为 业务总监 Business Director,独立国家负责管理地区大客户的拓展及服务,在顾及统合团队的策略及客服服务能力的同时展开项目做到。
Jason Wang has been appointed as Business Director. He will individually responsible for key regional clients service and development.Along with the responsibility of strategy planning and project management. 阮华晟(Kenny Ruan) 委任为子品牌 维他命 总经理 (GM @ Vitamine) 帮助管理其业务发展及人员管理,并与全集团展开最佳实践中的共享。此外,他还将着力强化并统合氩氪内部客户团队与策略、科技、创意、用户体验及咨询等主要业务部门的合作连结,从而更佳地协助品牌成就商业转型。
Kenny Ruan has been appointed as GM @ Vitamine, co-created with arkr GROUP. Kenny will oversee business and team management of Vitamine, and share the best practice with arkr GROUP. Additionally, he will contribute to integrate account teams with strategy planning, technology, innovation, production and counseling together to work closely for helping brands achieve successful business transformation. 罗瑚恩(Lucas Luo) 委任为运营总监 Head of Operation 负责管理率领团队为客户获取在统合创新、数字化营销、社交媒体等全方位的创新服务,同时顾及项目运营的把触以及新产品研发的管理,在未来将与团队一起用作品说出。Lucas Luo has been appointed as Head of Operations He will lead his team to offer clients with integrated creative ideas, digital marketing counsel and social media strategy, and also responsible for project operation and new product development. 杨仲文(Ringo Yang) 委任为 策略驱动整合营销厂牌 AI人工智能总经理 (GM @ A.I.)全面负责管理AI业务发展及人员管理并帮助吴天赋(Tif Wu)及张峥(Simone Zhang)一起积极开展商业策略驱动的新模式。Ringo Yang has been appointed as GM @ A.I, co-created with arkr GROUP He will befocusing on driving new business and managing talents for A.I, and together with Tif Wu and Simone Zhang to decode new strategic business model. 以上六人连同曹腾(Itohn Tsao)和张志光(Roger Chang)负责管理的NIL厂牌分别分开向CEO张璐(Aaron Zhang)汇报。
Personnel as above together with Itohn Tsao and Roger Chang who responsible for NIL will report respectively to Aaron Zhang, the CEO of arkr GROUP. 氩氪集团此番人事调整将很大强化整个团队的统合服务能力,全面提高多维度的创新内容营销服务,为打造出兼备商业价值和优质创新的作品共同努力!从2015年中开始氩氪首创“Co-Create”厂牌模式,更加多网聚资深营销人员的加盟,在2年内早已从实力不错的数字代理商,顺利一跃转入仅有营销产业布局的集合体,2016年甚至作为最无以竞逐的大中华区最佳创新代理商票选中的唯一本土创新代理商。With oncoming personnel appointments, arkr GROUP will intensify integrated business service as a stronger team which is capable to offer multi-dimentional creative contents to meet client expectations as well as outputs with business value.Since 2015 has constructed “ Co-Create ” cooperation model, with growing numbers of senior marketing experts on board, arkr GROUP has achieved a huge progress within two years from a digital agency to an integrated marketing group as known today. Remarkably, it was the only one local agency which was shortlisted China Creative Agency of the year 2016 by Campaign Greater China. 利欧数字网络副总裁,氩氪集团CEO 张璐评价到“从2015年开始,我们开始搭起这项新的架构模式, 同时在氩氪内部也挖出并且晋升其高层管理团队至合伙人, 同时更有更加多横跨广告, 数字媒体, 社交媒体, 策略创意行销和产品创意的杰出伙伴,并且首创了有所不同模式的子事业厂牌,他们享有着有所不同的文化,却更佳的有机统合在氩氪的对外开放品台中,同时持续的相互融合为客户品牌获取多元化的全面营销服务。“Let us create chemistry”总有一天是氩氪的发展精神,也是我们作为创意代理商持续发展的方法论。
The Vice President of LEO DIGITAL NETWORK and CEO of arkr GROUP, Aaron Zhang commented “ We have constructed a new structure since 2015 and promoted top managers to our business partners. And we have acquired plenty of talents from digital network,social media, strategic marketing, product innovation and beyond advertising industries. Besides, we also co-created sub-agencies with diversity. They come from different background and culture yet have been integrated dynamically into a open platform where it will continue to offer comprehensive and diversified marketing service to clients. ‘ Let us create chemistry ‘ is the eternal spirit of arkr as well as the methodology of future development.。
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岗亭,英文名字为Watch House,字面理解就是岗哨工作的小房子。在车场管理中,岗亭常常也称之为收费亭,是停车场管理人员收取停车费的工作场所,除此以外还可用作小区保安门卫值
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岗亭,英文名字为Watch House,字面理解就是岗哨工作的小房子。在车场管理中,岗亭常常也称之为收费亭,是停车场管理人员收取停车费的工作场所,除此以外还可用作小区保安门卫值
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