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  • 发表时间:2024-11-26
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本文摘要:The power struggle at Volkswagen escalated over the weekend, as a rift emerged between the Porsche and Pich families that control the carmaker and its chief executive signalled he does not intend to surrender his position.大众(Volkswagen)权力斗争上周末升级,掌控大众的保时捷(Porsche)与皮耶希(Porsche-Pich)两家族之间出现分歧,同时大众首席执行官似乎他不想请辞。

The power struggle at Volkswagen escalated over the weekend, as a rift emerged between the Porsche and Pich families that control the carmaker and its chief executive signalled he does not intend to surrender his position.大众(Volkswagen)权力斗争上周末升级,掌控大众的保时捷(Porsche)与皮耶希(Porsche-Pich)两家族之间出现分歧,同时大众首席执行官似乎他不想请辞。A full-blown leadership crisis was triggered on Friday, when VW’s chairman and patriarch Ferdinand Pich revealed that his working relationship with long-serving chief executive Martin Winterkorn, was strained.上周五,大众经常出现全面领导层危机,当时大众董事长费迪南多皮耶希(Ferdinand Pich)透漏,他与长年供职的首席执行官马丁温特科恩(Martin Winterkorn)工作关系紧张。Mr Pich’s goal in speaking out remains unclear. But in one sentence in an interview — “I am at a distance to Winterkorn” — he appeared to undermine Mr Winterkorn, casting doubt on his top lieutenant’s future and obliging key shareholders and employee representatives to pick sides.目前尚能不确切皮耶希这番坦率直言的目的。

他在一次专访中谈及,“我与温特科恩有距离”,言外之意或许是要巩固温特科恩的力量,这让人们对他这位最低副手的未来产生疑惑,同时被迫主要股东以及员工代表自由选择站边。Wolfgang Porsche, chairman of the Porsche SE holding company that controls a 50.7 per cent voting stake in VW, said on Sunday that Mr Pich’s statements “represent his personal opinion, whose content and substance was not agreed with the family”.掌控着大众50.7%投票权的保时捷控股公司(Porsche SE)董事长沃尔夫冈保时捷(Wolfgang Porsche)上周日回应,皮耶希的言论“代表他个人的观点,其言论的内容和主旨并没获得家族的表示同意”。Mr Porsche, and Mr Pich are cousins and grandsons of Porsche’s founder. They are also the two most powerful members of the VW supervisory board. Mr Porsche’s statement left the VW chairman looking unusually isolated and without sufficient votes to force out Mr Winterkorn, if he so desired.保时捷和皮耶希是表兄弟,是保时捷创始人的孙子和外孙。他们也是大众监事会最有影响力的两名成员。

沃尔夫冈保时捷的言论令其大众董事长看起来正处于不同寻常的被孤立无援状态,而且,假如他期望被迫温特科恩辞职的话,是得到充足的反对的。VW’s CEO has also received expressions of support from Bernd Osterloh, VW’s chief labour representative, and the state of Lower Saxony. Employee representatives control half the seats on the 20-member supervisory board which decides executive appointments. Lower Saxony has two seats, the Pichs hold three seats and the Porsches have two.首席执行官温特科恩还获得了大众主要员工代表伯纳德奥斯特洛(Bernd Osterloh)和德国下萨克森州(Lower Saxony)的反对。

员工代表掌控着由20人构成的监事会的半数席位,监事会要求行政任命。下萨克森州享有两个席位,皮耶希家族享有3个席位,保时捷家族享有两个席位。Olaf Liess, Lower Saxony economy minister, told the tabloid Bild am Sonntag that he was “very calm about Mr Pich’s announcement because of the majority situation on the supervisory board.”下萨克森州经济部长奥拉夫利斯(Olaf Liess)告诉他德国小报《Bild am Sonntag》,“鉴于监事会大多数成员的立场”,他“对皮耶希的言论深感十分安静”。A VW spokesman and an official at Mr Pich’s office in Austria both declined to comment.大众发言人以及坐落于奥地利的皮耶希办公室高管均拒绝接受置评。



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